Enhance bone density.
Calcium is the most abundant minerals in the human body which contains
approximately 1.2kg, almost 99% of which is stored calcium in the most abundant
mineral in the body which contains approximately 1.2kg, 99% of which is stored
in both teeth and bones with the remaining 1% present in the blood and other
body tissues.
It strengthen the bones and teeth, prevent and relief leg pains, foot
pains, leg spasm caused by acalcerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.
The skeleton acts as a reservoir for calcium. If the intake of calcium is
insufficient, bones become depleted in calcium.
Dietary sources of calcium include fish, dairy product and oxalic acid
which is found in some green vegetables like spinach is a potent inhibitor of
calcium absorption. The body is best equipped to absorb calcium and build up
bone tissues up to the age of 35 precisely after which the bone density is lost
at the rate of approximately 0.3% per year (1% in post-menopausal women).
Many adult receive half the amount of calcium they required from the diet
each day. Calcium supplements are available in a variety of chemical forms and
it is advisable to use them. Most commonly calcium carbonate, calcium citrate,
calcium phosphate and calcium gluconate, this element calcium provided varies
with chemical forms.
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